The ONLY Hotline You Need To Locate A Certified Equipment Appraiser Or Find Out How You Can Join Our Professional Network





Equipment Appraiser Training, Certification, Resources, And Support YOU Can Depend On

IEV is glad that you're here!  Yes, there are other associations that train you to be a Certified Equipment Appraiser. We know you'll discover that IEV is different. We are focused on delivering a stellar educational program, leads for IEV Members, current resources, FREE Appraisal Report Generator, support, and much, much more! Are you ready to become a Member of our professional network?

Equipment Appraisal

Find Out Why And Who We Help

IEV Provides Exceptionally Stellar Equipment Appraisal Training Courses 

There is nothing worse than sitting looking at a computer screen to learn about equipment appraisal.  No interaction, no live stories about actual equipment appraisals.  IEV training is interactive for a reason. We've listened to our Members as to the ultimate way to train. REAL life examples PLUS substantive data and information to achieve success as an Equipment Certified Appraiser (ECA).

How To Certify

How To Earn The ECA Credential

Find Out How And Why IEV Is Different When It Comes To Equipment Appraisal Training

Within the pages of our website, you'll discover how and why IEV delivers an outstanding hands on approach. IEV provides its Members with unsurpassed proven and consistent training, resources, support 365 days a year, 24/7 a day and much, much more!  Request more information today.  There is NO substitute.  Wouldn't you rather achieve success and support with the "Best-Of-The-Best"?

Your Key To Success

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Fi​​​​​nd Out What IEV's Professional Members Have To Say...

What Is The Difference Between An Equipment Appraisal And

An Equipment Valuation?

Great question and we're glad that you asked!  After all, sometimes terms can be confusing and we want to provide you with the information you need.

The Answer Is:   There is no difference at all between Equipment Appraisal Training or Equipment Appraisal Valuation Training.  Just like there is no difference between the two terms when it comes to appraising equipment!  Both terms are used depending on the area of the country you're in.  The most important aspect to remember is that both an equipment appraisal and an equipment valuation are the same and both deliver an estimate of equipment value that is defensible and withstands scrutiny.  Essentially, the terms reflect upon how you choose to refer to a Certified Equipment Report.  Both the terms by an ECA refer to a USPAP compliant report.

Substantive Ongoing Equipment Appraiser Education Is The Key To Achieving Success For IEV, The Clients, And IEV Members!

IEV is not the only Member Association that just thinks about education, support, and resources.  The difference?  IEV is persistent and consistently delivers.  Let us count the ways ...

  • USPAP Ethics and Reporting Compliance
  • Standing by to help 365 days a year, 24 hours a day;
  • Educational ZOOM webinars;
  • ECA Section 1 Course Training and Refresher when needed;
  • ECA Section 2 Course Training and Refresher when needed;
  • Weekly IEV Weekly Digest (Sign up is FREE);
  • Member leads, leads, leads;
  • Member's Briefcase filled with CURRENT educational materials, tools, resources, and "hot topics"; 
  • Exclusive and proprietary IEV Appraisal Report Generator; And 

Much, Much, More!

Don't Put Off Until Tomorrow 

That Which You Can Learn And Use Today!

Why Is A Certified Machinery & Equipment Appraisal So Important?

Have You Overlooked The Equipment's Value?

Whether you're a business owner, lender, CPA, attorney, auctioneer, real estate or business valuation professional, you know that machinery and equipment has value.  Oftentimes, the professional may overlook the importance of the equipment value. When the value is not based on appraisal methodology and  backed by credible research and data, an inaccurate or skewed value may be delivered putting those that accept the value at risk of liability.  Have you ever valued equipment using one of these techniques?

  • Rely on the owner's word;bigstock-Money-Earning-Question-Concept-420688673.jpg
  • Rely on the depreciation schedule; and/or
  • Guess. 

Are You At Risk?

At last you no longer need to run the risk of liability when you rely on one of the top three value pitffuls set forth above.  You can relax and rest assured with a level of comfort when you rely on a value that is backed by data, research, appraisal methodology and reporting that is a defensible estimate of value that withstands scrutiny.  That's why relying on a Certified Equipment Appraisal by an Equipment Certified Appraiser (ECA) is your best and only bet.   Let us prove it to you today!



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